When it comes to making things white and bright, we all know we can rely on bleach, vinegar, and the other usual household staples we all learn about when we grow up and become responsible for our own cleaning. As well as those things work, don’t you think it’s time we added to that household wisdom? It’s easier than you might think! Turns out, there are actually 7 effective and unusual products we can all use to whiten everything from our shirts to our teeth to our tubs and beyond, and Pure Wow is here to share them. Read on to see what you should be adding to your whitening arsenal.

  1. Bluing Detergent

    One Good Thing By Jillee

    Our first trick is a little counterintuitive, but it’s all about balance. When your white shirts inevitably get that dreaded yellow tinge, the color of liquid bluing detergent cancels it out to return your clothing to its perfect porcelain hue.
  2. Charcoal

    My Beautiness

    This one seems even stranger than the last one, but it works! Brushing your teeth with activiated charcoal powder whitens them as well as – or better than! – whitening toothpastes. Don’t worry— the powder is odorless and tasteless, so gagging shouldn’t be a problem.
  3. Denture Cleaner

    Zitona via Wikimedia Commons

    The stuff people trust to whiten their false teeth works well on other things, too! Specifically, it’s the perfect five-minute soak to remove the yellow stains left behind by red nail polish.
  4. Bar Keeper’s Friend

    Didriks via Flickr

    When your white plates and bowls start looking a little worse-for-wear, turn to the scrub trusted by restaurant workers everywhere: Bar Keeper’s Friend. The abrasive cleaner will have your dinnerware looking brand new in no time.
  5. Oven Cleaner

    yampi via Dollar Photo Club

    If it can get rid of the grease inside your oven, then it makes sense that oven cleaner will conquer tough stains elsewhere! Use it to clean your porcelain tub and sink by spraying rings and stains, then letting it sit for a few hours. When you come back and rinse if off, your bathroom will be cleaner than ever, especially when you add . . .
  6. Cotton Coil


    While you’re waiting for the oven cleaner to work its magic on your tub and sink, turn to your grout. Line it with cotton coil soaked in bleach and leave it overnight. When you wake up in the morning, any mildew and mold will be gone! You can find cotton coil at any beauty supply store; it’s commonly used to protect skin during hair dying.
  7. Pumice Stone

    stux via Pixabay

    Rust is no more a match for a pumice stone than your calluses are! Soak it in water and use it to scrub away rust from your toilet. (Make sure the toilet has been wet, as well.) When you’re done, flush, and you’re all set!

Did any of these tricks surprise you? Have you used any or all of them before? What are some of your own whitening tips?

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