The holiday season is all about celebrating the spirit of giving, and not just to our friends and family. Making a difference in the lives of those who are less fortunate is important at all times of the year, but the holidays are as good a time as any to do your part. Here are some charities that you can donate your stuff to and make a positive difference in the lives of others this year:

  1. Cellphones: donate your used cell phone to Cell Phones For Soldiers and the proceeds from their recycling efforts are used to buy phone cards for overseas soldiers. You could certainly brighten some soldiers’ (and soldiers’ families) day by giving to this great charity.
  2. Ink Cartridges: bring ink cartridges to a drop-off location (or request a free postage-paid mailer) when you donate to Recycle for Breast Cancer. The proceeds from this charity help to fund breast cancer research.
  3. Computers: give your old computer to The On It Foundation. They provide free computers to low-income families that have students in grades K-12.
  4. Glasses: you can donate your old prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses to Lion’s Club at all Pearl Vision, Goodwill and Lion’s club locations. Your glasses will go to people living in developing countries.
  5. Hearing Aids: give your old hearing aids to So the World May Hear. Their Hear Now program repairs and sells donated hearing aids, then uses the proceeds to buy new hearing aids for those who can’t afford them.
  6. Airline Miles: you can donate your extra United Airlines or Delta airline miles to The Salvation Army and they’ll use them in disaster relief efforts.
  7. Bras: donate your used bras to Soma. The National Network to End DOmestic Violence will give these bras to survivors of domestic abuse.

To check out many more charities that will accept your use stuff, head on over to Frugal Living.

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