The frugally-minded person will always look to their own pantry and kitchen cabinets before resorting to store-bought cures for common ailments. We can ease symptoms and even remedy problems with the use of items we already have.

Take a look at a few more ideas to add to your home remedies arsenal:

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar for High Blood Pressure: this stuff can help keep blood pressure under control and aid in weight loss. It can also help reduce swelling from bruising.
  2. Cayenne Pepper for Sore Throats: add a pinch of cayenne pepper to cocoa or whatever food you’re eating to help you with throat problems.
  3. Olive Oil for Eczema: find relief from the pain and irritation of eczema by rubbing some olive oil on problem areas.
  4. Salt and Vinegar for Athlete’s Foot: create a special soak to cheaply cure athlete’s foot.

For more natural remedies, be sure to check out Personal Dividends’ 7 Natural Cures and Home Remedies for Common Ailments.

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