Last week, we talked about saving money and welcoming Spring on a budget. However, wouldn’t it be nice to have a little additional money as a cushion during the spring months? This week I’ll point out a bunch of great ways to make some money when warmer weather rolls around.

Spring cleaning, for me at least, is an ongoing adventure. I try to focus on one area or job per week. (Last weekend, I waged war against my closets and drawers. I’m not sure who was victorious, but I came out with two whole large trash bags full of clothing for Goodwill.) While Spring cleaning will give you more space and lessen the clutter in your home, it is also a great opportunity to make some money on the side. Here are a few easy ways to do it:

Host a Yard Sale

Here are some general ways to make your yard sale successful:

Or, you could take yard and garage sales a step further and…

Be a Garage Sale Planner

Would you consider yourself to be an expert garage or yard sale planner at this point? Well, many people out there are most certainly not, and these people could probably use your help in organizing the most effective and lucrative sale possible. Whether you charge a fixed rate or a percentage is up to you, but you can help people with the basic legwork needed, i.e. advertising, to create a successful yard sale.

Sell Unwanted Items Online

Wondering what to do with the leftovers from your yard sale? You don’t have to dump them in a donation bin just yet. Treat the internet as an extension of your yard sale. You can post items on Craigslist, Amazon or Ebay and barter with people online much like you would at a garage sale. Here’s a great tip from eHow:

Do not put a category of items as a bulk item. For example, if you have designer purses, list each one individually versus trying to sell the lot together. Create an individual listing for each purse and sell each individually. It helps to boost views to your other items listed by mentioning them and posting a link or two.

Do Some Yard Work for Others

Looking to pick up some extra cash by extending help to the people of your neighborhood (or even the people of a nearby neighborhood)? There are probably plenty of people close by who could use the services of someone with a lawn mower, for example. Or maybe an elderly neighbor needs help with planting flowers or tending to a garden? The possibilities for picking up a low-commitment outdoor job in spring are many and varied. Check out a few ways that you can find an odd job for Spring:

Be a Dog Walker

Anyone can be a dog walker. All you really need is a passion for animals and the desire to get a bit of a workout. While some people do this as a career, you can definitely get a temporary job walking dogs. Head over to for some excellent advice on getting started.

Here are a few things to think about before you begin:

Sell Your Hair

Spring is a great time for fresh starts, so why not consider getting a dramatic haircut? With temperatures hopefully on the rise, you won’t necessarily need tons of hair to keep your head warm. If you have 10 or more inches of hair to spare, you could consider selling your hair for a profit online.

What are some other strategies that you can think of for making some extra money during Spring? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Thanks for being a Tip Hero!

Additional Sources: eHow and Financial Highway

Photo credit: sneakerdog, jo-h and Kristine Paulus

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