There’s little that’s more annoying than getting an email saying that your account was overdrawn and you’ve been charged a fee. According to Careful Cents, however, these types of fees are unnecessary and completely avoidable. Here are some of their best tips for avoiding them:

Cancel Overdraft Protection

Overdraft protection is basically meant to save you from the embarrassment that comes when you can’t afford a purchase. But to avoid this embarrassment, you’ll pay a fee ($35 with Bath of America). So instead of having to pay a fee and having the bank cover you, just don’t allow yourself to make purchases if you don’t have the funds. Easy as that!

Link to Savings or Loan Accounts

Whioe Careful Cents isn’t a huge fan of this option, it is a valid option that can help you avoid excess fees. If your bank allows, simply link your checking account to your savings, line of credit or credit card accounts.

Negotiate a Refund

If you make a mistake and overdraw from your account (and you don’t do this often, try calling your bank and asking for the branch manager. In many cases, people can get a courtesy refund this way. It’s definitely worth asking – the worst that can happen is that they say no.

For 3 more helpful tips, head over to Careful Cents’ 6 Ways to Never Pay an Overdraft Fee Again.

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