Credit cards are not evil, as many people say. However, if they are misused and abused, they can certainly create a nightmare of debt. If you find yourself dealing with a lot of credit card debt (or want to avoid it), check out some of these tips from Cash Money Life:

  1. Send More Than One Payment Per Month: try sending a payment every other week instead of once a month. You can do this easily by using online banking and bill pay.

    Check your credit card balance online and then initiate an e-payment from your bank account. Why does this matter? Credit card companies are required to process your payment the day they receive it, so early payments will incrementally reduce your balance at a quicker rate, reducing the amount of interest you pay.

  2. Don’t Spend More If Your Credit Limit Increases: this is more of a debt prevention technique. If you’ve been a good customer, your credit card issuer may up your limit. Do not let this tempt you into spending more than you can afford to pay off. Debt can pile up quickly!
  3. Transfer Your Balance to a 0% Interest Card: this is a great way to fight debt strategically. While it involves opening a new card, it could be well worth it if used smartly. Just don’t use it as an excuse to pile on more debt!

    A 0% balance transfer credit card […] allows you to transfer your existing credit card debt to a credit card with a 0% interest rate. Here is what you need to know to do this wisely: You need a decent credit score for approval, you may have to pay a small fee to transfer your balance (usually around 3%), and these offers have a time limit, usually around a year and a half or so, depending on the issuer.

    Take a look at some of the best 0% balance transfer credit cards around.

Check out more helpful tips over at How to Get Rid of Credit Card Debt.

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