Flying might be a modern-day necessity to get us from place-to-place, but that doesn’t make it a joy to do. Not in the slightest. But there is a way to make flying a little less painful: stop sabotaging yourself when you get on the airplane.

We can’t make TSA lines and last-minute gate changes go away, but we can give you six easy ways to make your life easier when the plane wheels leave the tarmac! Here are six things you need to avoid doing when you’re flying.

1. Don’t Drink Too Much

This one is pretty straightforward – jetlag is already a pain as it is, so adding a hangover on top of it is the LAST thing you need. Jetlag can cause terrible fatigue, headaches, and even nausea. Sound pretty similar to the morning after you’ve had a few too many, doesn’t it?

If you need a drink to calm down (some people hate flying more than others), try getting a drink at an airport bar beforehand. Should you find yourself running to the gate, just making it in time, and needing a little liquid confidence, limit yourself to one alcoholic drink on the plane.

2. Don’t Drink Coffee or Tea

Total bummer for any caffeine lovers, but the water used to make these drinks on airplanes isn’t the best to drink. Airplane tap water can contain coliform, a bacteria also found in feces. Yikes.

3. Don’t Turn Down a Drink

If the drink is complimentary (which at least one usually is) don’t you dare turn it down! The air in an airplane cabin is unusually dry, so you need to keep more hydrated than normal. Just make sure to ask for BOTTLED water, as our last point obviously knocks tap water off the list.

Our tip? We love taking an empty water bottle through TSA and then filling it up before you get on the plane. This way, you’ll have a plentiful supply without having to rely on the skeevy airplane water.

4. Don’t Eat Anything From the Airplane Tray

You know the drill: You’re eating your airplane chicken and potatoes when the turbulence kicks in and BAM…a piece of potato falls to your airplane tray. Unfortunately, those trays aren’t sanitized as much as they should be (since there’s minimal time to clean between flights) so it’s a huge breeding ground for bacteria and germs. In fact, we recommended even wiping down the tray before even placing your meal on it.

5. Don’t Touch Your Seat Belt Too Much

Like the airplane tray, your seat belt is a major source of germs. That’s because it’s an item that many people touch frequently throughout a flight, but one that doesn’t get rubbed down as much as it should. Obviously you can’t avoid it altogether since wearing the seat belt is recommended, but definitely be sure to wipe your hands down with sanitizer after buckling, and try to avoid touching it too much when in the air.

6. Don’t Sleep Through Takeoff or Landing

Sure, sleep throughout your flight to pass the time, but try not to snooze when the plane is taking off or when you’re about to land. The air pressure inside a plane changes rapidly during both fo these times, which can cause your ears to feel blocked and sound dull. If you’re asleep, tour ears may remain blocked for quite some time and you may experience dizziness, pain in your ear and even temporary hearing loss.

For more on these “don’t’s” you should never do on an airplane, make sure to watch the video below!

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