If you haven’t already, it’s almost that time of year where we’ll start thinking about turning the heat on. And while keeping warm is important, it’s also important not to blow your budget doing so. Here are some good reminders for making sure your heating bill doesn’t go through the roof this year:

Dress for Cold Weather

Staying warm starts with dressing yourself accordingly. You won’t have to keep your home so warm if you’re dressing warmly. So make sure you dress in layers, have some comfy slippers you can wear, and even a hat if need be.

Decorate for Warmth

Just like you dress your body for cold weather, dress your home for the season as well. Put flannel sheets on your bed for added warmth, put rugs on the floor to keep feet from freezing on the floor, use insulated curtains in your windows and be sure to keep warm blankets/throws on your couches.

Get the Ceiling Fans Going

While you won’t want to use your fan to cool you down, you can flip a switch and use ceiling fans to bring heat down to the floor level when it rises.

Change Your Filter Regularly

If your filter is dirty, then the furnace/heat pump has to work harder, increasing your energy bill as it does. Try to remember to clean/change your filter once a month to keep things running as efficiently as possible.

Take Advantage of Free Solar Heating

Open up those curtains during the day to soak in all that free heat from the sun. Then make sure you close the curtains when the sun goes down to lock all of that great free heat in your home.

Find many more great savings tips over at Frugal Living.

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