Love Will Ferrell movies? You probably didn’t think you could learn anything from these seemingly mindless movies, but if you look below the surface, you can find some real gems of money and life wisdom in there.

Anchorman: Don’t Overestimate Job Security

Even Ron Burgandy, San Diego’s #1 news anchor, wasn’t safe from losing his job. So as secure as your job may seem, you’ll still want to make sure you’re prepared with an emergency fund and an updated resume so you don’t end up like Ron here:

Zoolander: Act Ethically

Will Ferrell’s character in Zoolander, the eccentric Mugatu, will do anything to get ahead. In fact, he tries to brainwash Derek Zoolander into becoming an assassin to help keep child labor laws in place. While it might be easy to spot someone like Mugatu from a mile away in real life, there are others out there who are sneakier, who may promise you riches acquired by questionable means. Just remember, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your instincts.

Step Brothers: Financial Independence Is Important

In this movie, Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly are grown, immature step brothers who won’t move out of the house. They ultimately drive their parents so crazy that the parents divorce. It’s only when the brothers grow up and move out that the parents get back together.

Financial independence is important to learn from an early age. Make sure that kids learn to be financially responsible adults so that they don’t continue to rely on you, or others, forever.

Elf: Stay True to Yourself

Buddy the Elf may cause some trouble during his time in New York City, but it’s his true nature that helps save the day and fix Santa’s sleigh in the end. You too can save the day by remaining true to yourself and sticking to what’s important to you.

Talladega Nights: Be Happy With Less

Ferrell’s character in this movie is Ricky Bobby, a NASCAR driver who loves being rich and famous. But it takes a series of unfortunate events for him to remember what truly makes him happy – driving fast cars.

We don’t need fancy things in order to be happy. Frugality and happiness can go hand in hand if you can learn to live with less. Then you can save for the things that are really important to you in the future.

Thanks to Wise Bread for the inspiration! Stay classy, Tip Heroes.

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