Now that Easter is over, do you have more hard boiled eggs in your fridge than you know what to do with? You can make good use of them in your diet this week and still mix it up! After all, anyone would get sick of eating plain boiled eggs all week. Take a look at some yummy ways to use them before they go bad:

  1. Make Egg Salad:

    There are so many variations on your classic egg salad. When you’re sick of the regular version, try spicing it up with curry or any of your favorite spices.

  2. Mix Into Potato Salad:

    Let eggs be the side kick to your potato salad, however you decide to mix it up.

  3. Make Deviled Eggs:

    deviled eggs make great appetizers for occasion, but they’re also tasty to snack on any old day. Make a bunch of these to snack on in the next few days.

  4. Mix Into a Cobb Salad:

    Cut up your hard boiled eggs into pieces and scatter over a salad to add some instant protein and yumminess. Any salad with egg and/or avocado is instantly better in my opinion!

  5. Over Ramen:

    Amp up your ramen by topping it with two hard boiled egg halves.

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