When we find a skin care product we adore, we try to make it last as long as possible, squeezing out the tiniest little globs at a time. No matter what we do, though, those washes and creams are going to run out, and sometimes an errant squeeze or a dropped bottle mean we lose more product faster than we ever planned. When that happens, don’t just sigh and run out to buy more. Instead, save your dollars for a little longer and raid your pantry instead. According to Rumble’s ModaMob, there are FIVE products hanging out in there just as good as any luxury product. Watch and learn what you can use in a pinch, or switch your beauty routine entirely!

Did you catch all of those skin care products? To recap:

5 Skin Care Products From Your Pantry

  1. Coconut oil
  2. Olive oil
  3. Honey and lemon
  4. Apple cider vinegar
  5. Yogurt

Have you ever used any of these items as a face wash before? Are there any you would add to this list?

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