Preparing meals ahead of time is a great money saver, but sometimes simply preparing certain ingredients ahead of time can save you both time and money as well. Take a look at some ways to prepare quick flavor builders ahead of time:

  1. Caramelized Onions: when you decide to make a caramelized onions, try making a big batch of them and freeze what you won’t use for dinner that night. That way, you’ll have some on hand for quick meals later. Try freezing them in ice cube trays or muffin tins. Once they’re frozen, you can pop them out of their trays and store them in a sealed container. These should keep for several months.
  2. Roasted Garlic: after you roast garlic (baked whole, baked cloves or on the stovetop) you can spread them out on a baking sheet and place in the freezer. After they’ve frozen, you can store them in a sealed plastic bag or container. You could also try mashing the garlic and freezing it in teaspoon or tablespoon measures in an ice cube tray. Store them in a sealed container or bag after they’re frozen.
  3. Grated Ginger: you can freeze grated ginger root in an ice cube tray or you can even roll it up like candy.

Find more ideas over at The Kitchn’s 5 Make-Ahead Pantry and Freezer Staples.

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