We Tip Heroes have busy lives. On a typical day, there may be so much to do that something slips through the cracks and falls by the wayside. If you’re anything like me, you need to constantly write things down and do some serious planning to be efficient in your day to day life. Easier said than done.

Staying on track and remaining task oriented can definitely be tough. Scribbling errant thoughts on yellow sticky notes or jotting household tasks down on the backs of receipts can just further clutter and confuse life (not to mention that it can be a huge waste of paper). Wouldn’t it be great to have some free resources that could help you through your daily quests for productivity? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have items filed away in one (or just a few) place(s) and always know exactly where lists, notes, etc. are? It turns out there are a lot of websites and software aimed at achieving these goals.

Whether you need help keeping track of a stringent schedule or prioritizing tasks and responsibilities, online help is readily available. I use a few of the following sites every single day, and trust me, my life is much less messy as a result. Take a look at these five free sites that may help you to easily organize your busy life, increase personal productivity and perhaps help you sleep better at night.

Google Calendars

Not only does Google offer this free calendar service, but there are many other perks that come along with Google Calendars. Check out all of the cool organizational things that you can do:

Remember the Milk

This site is my personal favorite and helps me stay on task, both in my personal life and with my responsibilities at Tip Hero. This service eliminates the need for sticky notes and messy to-do lists jotted down on scrap paper. You can use this service to manage tasks in an enjoyable and organized way. Here’s how you can use Remember the Milk to make your day to day life easier.


Evernote gives you a unique email address to send things to. It’s completely secure and private. You can forward your emails, upload text, photos and voice recordings via a smart phone, drop in audio, images and files, etc. Evernote will take everything you drop into it and automatically organize it. They will process and index all items, making them easily searchable. Check out some of the uses you can put this incredible free service to:

Stickies (for Windows Vista and Windows 7)

Are you a big fan of sticky notes? Do you stick them all over your home in the hopes that they will help you remember things? If so, then Stickies is the software for you. Stickies was created as a way to computerize those yellow sticky notes and cut down on the actual paper notes being stuck on the sides of your computer. Here’s what Stickies can do:


This is what Nirvana has to say about itself:

Nirvana is all about getting things out of your head and into a trusted system, then effortlessly drilling down to the thing you should be doing right now.

Check out the ways Nirvana can help you achieve a less stressful and more peaceful life through organization.

Hopefully one or more of these will help you stay on track and better organize those busy lives of yours. Do you have another free site or free software that you use to increase productivity in your everyday life? We’d love to hear what works for you!

Photo credit: cogdogblog

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