Thanks to each and every one of you Tip Heroes out there, we have reached 4,000 tips! And what better way to celebrate than by revisiting some of the best reader tips of the batch and giving away some prizes?

So here’s how this giveaway will work:

Below, we’ve listed 10 of the most popular reader submitted tips from our last batch of 1,000 tips. All you have to do is tell us which tip you found most helpful in the comments section below to be automatically entered into a random drawing for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card! Furthermore, the person who submitted the tip that gets the most “votes” will also receive a $25 Amazon gift card! The deadline for being considered in the drawing will be next Wednesday, April 27th at 5pm EST. So make sure you vote for your favorites in the comments section!

Remember to keep submitting your own original tips as well. Not only will you help out your fellow Tip Heroes; you’ll also have the opportunity to be recognized when we celebrate reaching 5,000 tips! We truly could not run this community without all of you, so from all of us at Tip Hero, THANK YOU! Here’s to the next 1,000 tips!

Don’t forget to tell us which tip is your favorite/how it helped you for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card! And thanks, as always, for being a Tip Hero!

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