Stainless steel appliances add a beauty to your kitchen that’s undeniable. But if the stainless steel is covered in fingerprints and smudges, then it’s not so beautiful. If you’re on a spring cleaning journey in your home, don’t spring for a specific store-bought cleaner to attack your fridge or dishwasher. Instead, take some advice from One Good Thing by Jillee and just grab 4 ingredients that you most likely have laying around already.

Here’s what you need:

-1 cup of baking soda
-1/4 cup of lemon juice
-3 Tbsp Borax
-Some club soda

Here’s what you do:

  1. Mix together the first 3 ingredients into a medium bowl.
  2. Add enough club soda into the mixture to create a thick paste.
  3. Dip a clean rag into the paste and rub directly on your stainless steel appliances.
  4. Gently wipe the paste off with a separate wet rag.
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