We’re big fans of those little tips that just make life so much easier here at Tip Hero. In This Crazy Life has compiled a pretty extensive list of these such tips. Here are some that you may not have heard yet. Take a look:

  1. Store lettuce in the wax paper bag from inside of a cereal box to make it last up to twice as long.
  2. Rub a dryer sheet over the surface of your baseboards from time to time to help them repel hair and dirt.
  3. To prevent weeds from growing in your garden, simply wet newspaper:

    When planting flowers mix up the dirt, then place a thick layer of wet newspapers down around the plants. Then cover with your top soil and mulch. Apparently weeds can get through plastic, but not this stuff.

  4. To create hangers that will support silky and wide-necked tops, just use a hot glue gun to make zigzagged patterns on the tops where the clothes would hang.

  5. To make leftover pizza extra crispy and yummy, reheat it on a skillet on the stove instead of in the oven.
  6. Remove small stains from suede by rubbing a nail file gently across the area a few times.
  7. When you have green onions, submerge the white ends into a glass of water and put them in a sunny window. You’ll be able to grow more quickly.

Find dozens more helpful tips over at In This Crazy Life’s Tips and Tricks – Part 2.

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