33 Cheap Ways to Spice Up Your Rice

Whether you use white, brown or yellow rice and whether you cook it in a rice cooker, on the stove or in the microwave, rice is one of the easiest, most frugal things you can cook. There are many reasons why we love rice. It’s pantry friendly and lasts for a long time, it’s easy to make meals out of leftover cooked rice and, best of all, it’s cheap! But eating it plain is not going to satisfy many people for very long.

The key to spicing up cheap kitchen staples is knowing what cheap ingredients you can add in to make a delicious dish. So just like we did with mac & cheese and pasta dishes, I’ve compiled some great add ins and recipes for rice when you’re at a loss for what to do with it. Please share your own ideas in the comments section below the article!

Easy Stir-Ins

Before we talk about actual recipes that involve rice, let’s just start with simple stir-ins that can be added easily to cooked rice to make it unique and tasty. Here are just a few of my best ideas, but the list certainly doesn’t end here!

Cheap Side Dish Ideas:

Taking the add-ins one step further, here are 5 great, simple ideas from TipNut that involve a few stir-ins. For each recipe, just combine ingredients listed, bring to a boil, then add a cup of whatever raw rice you’d like to use. Reduce the heat to low, then cover and simmer until the liquid is absorbed (about 12 minutes for white and 40 for brown):

Classic Rice Dishes on the Cheap:

A Little Ethnic Flair:

Got a great, cheap rice recipe that you’re dying to share? Please don’t hesitate! Tell us about it in the comments section below. Thanks for being a Tip Hero!

Photo credit: cookbookman17

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