Watermelon is a staple for any backyard barbecue or beach-side picnic – it’s a summer favorite! But you don’t just have to slice and serve watermelon the same old boring way. You may not know it, but watermelon has some tricks up its sleeve. Try using a watermelon in these unusual ways and your friends are seriously going to think you’re brilliant.

Oh, watermelon, is there anything you can’t do?

Our two favorite tricks are below, but make sure you watch the video below for a yummy watermelon mix drink recipe at the end!


It’s in watermelon’s name…water. So why not freeze up your melon like you would regular water into some fun, flavorful ice cubes!

Take a slab of watermelon, cut away the rind, and cut the flesh of the fruit into cubes. Let the cubes freeze overnight and then use them for your cocktails and lemonade as a decorative touch.

Bonus: Watermelon ice cubes are going to keep your drink cold without watering down your beverage!


You can see it in the shape of the melon – it just looks like a DIY punch bowl in the making! Even out the bottom and cut off the top of the watermelon. Scoop out the insides and there you have it! An adorable summertime punch bowl you whipped up yourself.

Serve the insides anyway you’d like, and fill the melon bowl with your favorite drink. Plus, the watermelon will add a little extra flavor all on its own!

For bonus points, puree the insides that you scooped out and turn THAT into a refreshing watermelon punch to serve. You just won your summer barbecue, friends.

Do you use watermelon in a creative way during the summer? Share your brilliant ideas in the comments section below.

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