There are a few drinks that could claim to be the best summer beverage, but one in particular absolutely towers above the rest: lemonade! Whether you prefer yours really sweet or more toward the sour side, one sip is sure to take you back to warm carefree days, grass between your toes and sun on your face. Recreate that feeling and add some special flavor to the mix with some new and exciting flavors straight from The Domestic Geek. She’s mixing up some fresh takes on lemonade that are sure to delight guests both old and young at every party you have between now and Labor Day. Watch, learn, and sip away!

Mix And Blend And Puree Together

Classic Lemonade Base
– 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
– ½ cup white sugar
– ½ cup water
– 4 cups water
Watermelon Lemonade
– 2 cups watermelon, pureed
Ginger Mint Lemonade
– 1-inch piece of ginger, peeled and diced
– ¼ cup mint leaves
Cherry Pineapple Lemonade
– 1 cup pineapple juice
– 1 cup fresh or frozen cherries, pitted

All delightful choices! Get more lemonade tips by visiting The Domestic Geek’s site, where she has even more flavor variations! Which one of these lemonades will you be serving YOUR guests this summer?

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