The best kinds of weeknight dinners are the kinds that are homemade but take no time to get on the table. And with The Chaos and the Clutter‘s solution, it’s never been easier to make delicious and quick dinners. Chicken dump meals are just what they sounds like. Basically, you take the time when you open a package of chicken to make bags full of everything the chicken needs for your recipes. Then when it’s time to cook, you just thaw the bags and dump them (with chicken and supporting ingredients) into a baking dish or a crock pot.

These recipes work best with 3-5 chicken breasts or 8-10 thighs per freezer bag. So if you’ve got some free time on a Sunday afternoon, just make a bunch of these for those hurried weeknights!

Chicken Hurry

Just requires chicken, ketchup, water, brown sugar, and dry onion soup mix.

For the specific ingredients and for how to make this, click here.

Lemon and Garlic Chicken

Just requires chicken, garlic, olive oil, fresh parsley, lemons, and pepper.

For the specific ingredients and for how to make this, click here.

Cantonese Chicken

Just requires chicken, ketchup, honey, soy sauce, and lemon juice.

For the specific ingredients and for how to make this, click here.

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