Something amazing happened in Clearwater, Florida yesterday. A young woman by the name of Nicole Oyola was in the process of driving across the Howard-Franklin Bridge when, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed something wrong. The 23-year-old saw a young man who was right around her age, dangling his feet off the side, high above the water below. At first, she wrote off his actions as mere “car troubles,” but something told her to pull her car over–so she did.

Now, it’s not something that strangers do for one another all that often nowadays, especially considering nearly everyone has a cell phone to use in emergencies, but Oyola had a feeling that this man’s troubles spanned far beyond a flat tire. Incredibly, the young woman was right; when she got out of the car, she immediately recognized that the man was suicidal. So, she did what felt right–she started talking.

In an interview with local news station FOX 13, Oyola recounts her powerful words: “I started talking to him. I told him, ‘You’re worth it. You’re enough. I don’t know what you’re going through, but I love you and God loves you and everything is going to be okay.’”

Amazingly, the young man responded to the words and, with his permission, she was able to talk him off the ledge, give him a much-needed hug, and call the police for help. By all accounts, the man is safe and currently getting the care he needs at a local hospital.

To meet the loving Good Samaritan for yourself, and to hear from a crisis counselor about how strangers can help the suicidal, be sure to watch the video below. It’s stories like these that really restore our faith in humanity. Remember to trust your instincts and reach out–your kind heart might just help save a life one day!

We can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this Good Samaritan’s kind gesture. Are you surprised that her words helped save this man’s life? Have you ever been in a similar position before? Do you have any advice for loved ones of a suicidal person?

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