There are some things in this life that we’ll all experience at one point or another: taxes, uncomfortable weddings, and visits to grandma’s house. Grandmas everywhere share some universal traits that we’ve all definitely seen — or eaten, depending on the grandma.

Here are 22 things that everyone has come across at grandma’s house at least once.

1. The Pink Bathroom Tiles

Is anything more “grandma’s house” than seashell pink EVERYTHING in the bathroom?

2. Her Signature Goodbye Wave

Every grandma waves goodbye just like this. That is simply science.

3. An Absolutely Ancient Television

No matter what year it is, this TV set will always be there.

4. And It’s Always Playing HER Shows

Honestly, no argument here. Bonanza is pretty awesome.

5. These are Everywhere You Look

If she could line her walls with doilies, she would.

6. A Fun and Dangerous Way to Entertain Yourself

Sure, they’re soft and fun to poke, but you have to get through the needles first.

7. Hard Candies Just Magically Appear

Where?! Where do they come from?! They just multiply.

8. …Especially These


No one else eats these except grandmas.

9. And If Not Those, At Least These

It’s one or the other. No exception.

10. One of These Was Always Hanging Around

Has she ever used it? Odds are, never.

11. Crosswords Were Everywhere

But you can NEVER touch them. NEVER.

12. There’s Always a Cabinet You May Never Touch

Formally known as the “DON’T TOUCH GRANDMA’S GOOD CHINA” cabinet.

13. But it Just Had Things Like This in it

…Are these supposed to be fancy? Or…?

14. Especially When They’re Hanging On the Walls


15. The Toilet Was Never Without One of These

No, it doesn’t make sense to put a rug on a toilet, but you love your grandma. So don’t ever ask.

16. Finding Butter Takes a Million Years

“Grandma, SERIOUSLY, where’s the butter?!”

17. She Has More Tupperware Than She Knows What to Do with

She can’t bear to throw any of them away. She’s sweet like that.

18. Nothing is Truer

Grandma can’t stand to see you under-fed.

19. Her Sneaky Money Handshake

So the parents don’t see.

20. Everyone Rejoiced When This Tin Came Out

There was always a 50% chance it was filled with sewing supplied, though.

21. This Couch. Just This Couch.

Where did every grandma shop to find this EXACT couch.

22. Unless They’re Covered Like This…

This is the only exception to the weird floral fabric rule.

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