Furry companions like cats and dogs are a part of families everywhere, but unlike dogs, cats are not known for their loyalty. They are known however, for a bunch of other traits and behaviors that can border on weird.

Actually, some of them fall smackdab in the weird category. Cat people: if you could sum up your cat’s M.O., which things would you list? Uh uh. You probably don’t get why they do some of things they do, but we’re going to help you drill into what may be causing their erratic, charming, or annoying behaviors.

Down below is a list of what may be causing Mr. Whiskers to act so cray. He deserves some understanding, and you deserve some peace of mind. Let’s take a look!

  1. Stare Down

    When the Care Bears do it, it’s for love-power. But when your kitty is staring intently on something, it’s actually a hunter’s glare. She’s ready to pounce on something – or someone.

  2. Usain Bolt

    Is your cat a mad sprinter? Does he like to race indoors? Help him find an outlet for all of that energy through exercise or some time outside. He needs it.

  3. Baring their Booties

    When your cat feels like mooning somebody, it’s not because she’s picked up the behavior from a dog. Similar to a sniffing meet-and-greet, she’s presenting her anal regions to you as form of a happy greeting and for you to check out her scent (sans the sniffing). But that’s when the tail is up and the butt is presented. When the tail is down, don’t even bother.

  4. Rolling on the Floor/Ground

    While a roll on the ground could be construed as a tantrum or a drunken tumble, your cat’s rolls are probably more regular than once in a blue. If you’ve noticed regular body rolling, it could be a call for playful attention or a lovely self-massage. She may also have a flea problem or other skin irritation. Check the skin!

  5. Hissing

    As with most animals who hiss, cats are expressing anger or fear. If they’re unhappy or feel threatened, they’ll hiss.

  6. Skipping the Litter Box

    It’s frustrating, but an unused litter box can tell you several things. Your cat may not like the location, having to share it, or its filth level. He may also be more interested in marking his territory. But continued behavior should be checked by a vet because a urinary health issue could also be the cause.

  7. Loud Roar (Really a Meow)

    Okay, so she’s not letting out the loud sound to frighten you, but it is to cajole you into feeding her. Get her some food, pronto!

  8. Foot Obsession

    If your feline seems to love playing footsies with you, that’s really what it is. He just wants to play with your toes and show off his stealthy moves. Divert his attention with a toy or laser.

  9. Likes to Groom You

    Some cat owners have shared that their cats like to comb their hair with their paws or teeth. Cats that have grown up in an environment where they’ve been groomed by another cat (like a mom) or cats will likely continue that behavior with their owners. It’s actually a sign of love and friendship even it if it seems strange. You can always sub in a toy.

  10. Late Night Lunatic

    Maybe Fluffy’s freaky comes out late at night. If she goes coo-coo when the clock strikes midnight, or gets a little stalker-ish, it could be due to boredom. Make sure she’s getting enough playtime in during the day and has a full belly. But it’s normal for them to be nocturnal – howling included.

  11. Chewing Plastic

    An affection for plastic bags, shower curtains, straws or the like could be a sign of anxiety or nutritional deficiency. You may just have a cat that loves the sound and feel of plastic, even though it’s not good for him. Run it by your vet to rule out a major health condition.

  12. Rubbing You

    When cats rub themselves against your face or body, it’s not just a sign of affection. They’re rubbing their pheromones on you. If it’s a cat that doesn’t know you, it’s trying to gather intel.

  13. Excessive Licking

    Yes, we know cats groom themselves, but if the licking seems extra, it could be a sign of stress. Have there been changes in your household recently? Are you noticing bald spots too? You’ll have to address the stress/distress in order to curb the behavior. If it keeps happening, take kitty to the vet.

  14. Scratching Objects

    When cats scratch the floors or furniture, it’s because they really do enjoy it. Scent glands in their paws help them to mark their territory. They sometimes scratch while stretching, to de-stress, and to sharpen their claws. To deter it, buy them a few strategically-placed scratch posts and use protective measures for your furniture.

  15. Chattering Sound

    That sound your cat makes that’s a cross between a whimper and a bird chirp is the chatter. A cat will do that when frustrated – like when they see a bird but are trapped indoors – or excitement about seeing potential prey. Sometimes they do it when happy too.

  16. Uncovered Poo

    Normally, cats will hide their waste from predators as an instinctive measure. But not this time. Your cat is trying to flex his dominant muscles to show others who’s boss. Poo-poo on whomever tries to make their mark in his well-established realm.

  17. Mouth Agape/Stink Face

    Have you ever noticed that Pattycakes has her lip curled back, mouth open and is zoned out? Or she makes a stink-face? It’s a natural animal reaction to a new scent that it’s trying to decipher.

    Called the flehmen response, it allows your cat to “taste the smell” through its mouth where another set of scent receptors lie. Just doing a little detective work to locate the source of the nice (or not so nice) scent.

  18. Burying Food

    Blame this one on instincts. Something clicks in their minds making them think they need to hide their dead prey from other cats, so they may dig into their dishes or sometimes flip them over.

  19. Biting People

    Have you been nipped? Kitty may be very excited about being pet or played with and wants to share that excitement with a nip. But overstimulation can also cause her to act out and cut things short. Too much petting or a touch in the wrong area could set her off.

  20. Kneading

    Time to make the biscuits! When cats use their front paws to knead, they’re either blissfully happy, marking you, or getting comfy. It’s an instinctual behavior from kittenhood.

  21. Twitching Tail or Ears

    A rapidly moving tail signals aggression or nervousness, as do ears flipped to the side or back. Back up! A slow-moving tail could mean the cat is curious and is trying to figure something out. Give it time!

Your own cat may do a host of other things that you don’t understand, but if anything seems off, it’s best to take it to a vet. Otherwise just chalk it up to personal charm and keep loving her as she is.

Do any of these behaviors ring a bell to you? What other cat behaviors would you add to this list?


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