Being a cheapskate is definitely something to be proud of these days. There are many ways that one can be a cheapskate, but if there were to be a Cheapskate manual out there, the following rules from WalletPop would most likely be listed. Take a look at some general frugal advice from some of the employees over at WalletPop and see if you agree:

  1. Think Ahead for Child’s Friends’ Birthday Parties: get a few reserve gifts that are cool and age-appropriate for your own children so that you’ll be prepared for the parties that your little one is invited to. You’ll save time and money, and you’ll always be prepared.
  2. Always Ask For What You Want: sounds simple, but so many people don’t do this. Ask for the exception to a policy, discount, etc. that you’re looking for. You may just get it if you ask!
  3. Don’t Buy What You Can’t Use Up: for example, don’t keep subscribing to HBO if you only watch a movie a month. Don’t buy food in bulk if you can’t use it before it spoils.
  4. Make Those Subscription Services Break into a Cold Sweat: after every few months, Aaron Crowe (WalletPop’s Money College editor) suggests asking any services you subscribe to if there are any deals you can take advantage of. If not, tell them to cancel your service. This way, you’ll most likely be transferred to a supervisor who may offer you a deal to keep you as a customer.

Be sure to check out the other rules cheapskates ought to live by over at 20 rules to live by for cheapskates. Do you have anything to add to the list?

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