If the grout in your bathroom tile is making your cringe a little bit, it’s time for a cleaning. And if your grout looks anything like Practically Functional’s, then you’re going to need her secret 2-ingredient cleaning formula that made her shower look brand new again.

All you need to achieve these results in your own bathroom is some baking soda, bleach and a scrub brush (or an old toothbrush). Mix together 3/4 cups of baking soda together with 1/4 cup of bleach to create a thick paste. Then using the brush, apply the paste to the dirty grout and let sit for about 10 minutes.

After that, work the cleaner deeper into the grout with the brush. Allow to sit for another 5-10 minutes, then rinse the cleaner off of the grout. Once the grout has completely dried, you’re sure to be stunned by the effectiveness of this cleaning technique!

Important Note: When working with bleach, make sure to observe a few important safety precautions. Always wear rubber gloves to protect your hands and safety glasses to protect your eyes from irritations. Be sure to only work with bleach in a well-ventilated area (crack that window!) and wear protective clothing that you don’t care about.

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