How often do you scroll through the internet, looking for a way to organize your messy closet or bathroom, only to find dozens of useless “hacks” that you’d never ACTUALLY use? The odds that you’ll have the time and money to completely redesign the messy areas of your home are slim — you’re a hardworking person who’s looking for a quick fix, not a weekend project!

If you’re looking for brilliant organizational tips that will keep your home tidy, we’ve got a few of our favorites to share with you. And, yes, these are simple, realistic hacks that you can do without breaking a sweat or breaking the bank.

Read on to learn 19 of the easiest tricks for keeping your home organized:


1. Shower Products

If you’re anything like us, you’ve got a few steps you like to take in the shower — and that means your limited shower shelf space is probably packed with products. Try utilizing verticle space with an extra shower rod and some clips to hang things like face wash, soap holders, and loofas.

2. Bathroom Countertop

The bathroom countertop can get cluttered fast, so it’s important to implement a system that will keep everything corralled together while also making your everyday products easy to access.

Enter: trays.

Cheap Dollar Store trays are a quick, cheap way to make everything look put-together while putting in essentially no effort.

3. Towel Storage

One of the most essential bathroom items is towels, obviously. But where are you supposed to store them when your under-sink storage is taken and you don’t want to put up a new cabinet or new shelves?

We love the use of this inexpensive little cart for keeping your towels organized, accessible, and still looking fabulous. You can find carts like this at garage sales or stores like Walmart.


4. Tupperware Drawer System

Does anything get as unorganized as your Tupperware collection? We’re going to go ahead and answer: no. Reign in the avalanche of containers with these easy, Dollar Store shelves!

Not only do they slide out so you’re not waist-deep under your counter, they’ll keep everything together and organized.

Pro Tip: If even going out to buy these wire shelves are too much for your busy schedule, large storage bins will have the same benefits.

5. Pots and Pans

If you’re struggling to find a place to store your pots and pans (or maybe you just hate stacking your pans in a cabinet), look to your walls! An empty stretch of wall space if begging for you to put up some pegboard, which is a stylish and easy way to hang pots, pans, and other kitchen utensils.

6. Refrigerator Condiments

Looking inside your fridge in a panic? We know that our refrigerator shelves are often a source of anxiety, which is why we love this quick, free hack! An empty egg carton can easily be transformed into a way to keep your shelves organized and mess-free.

7. Cooking Spices

Cabinets need space for, well, your food. So why is so much space taken up by dozens of spices?! We love this easy organization hack which uses some plastic inserts and an empty drawer to create an organized spice oasis.


8. Bureau Drawers

Everyone imagines a world in which they open up their bureau drawers and see rows of easy-to-see, maybe even color-coordinated clothes. That might not be a reality now (it’s certainly not for us…) but all it takes is a new folding technique to make this dream come true!

9. Jewelry

Necklaces, bracelets, and dangling earrings, oh my. When jewelry gets messy, it’s not just annoying to look at, it could ruin your favorite accessories. You don’t need an expensive organizer to keep everything untangled and looking sharp  just take a new hanger out of your closet and hang it on your bedroom wall.

10. Shoes

Limited closet space getting you down? Not just for clothing but for your amazing shoe collection? Using under-the-bed is the best possible way to keep your shoes organized, safe, and easy to access.

Pro Tip: Get your hands on some free pallets from your local hardware store for a cool, laid-back feel.

11. Clean Bedding

Whether it’s for your master bedroom or for your guest room, having extra clean sheets is an essential. What feels super unessential? Struggling to find a place to store your clean bedding!

This quick tip from expert Martha Stewart is an easy way to keep all your sheets organized and condensed into one easy place.


12. Laundry Sorting

Everything runs better with a system! You can use as many baskets as you’ll need and organize them in whatever way you please (you may not have the space for these verticle, metal shelves), but labeled containers will always make laundry go faster.

13. Cleaning Supplies

Laundry doesn’t get clean with some warm water, sadly. You need plenty of products to get every stitch of clothing looking good-as-new, and you also need a place to store all of those products.

Rather than cluttering your laundry room floor, pick up some plastic crates at the Dollar Store (or reuse some you have hanging around your house) and use them as wall storage that’s wonderful out of the way.

14. Drying Space

If you’re willing to invest $20 or $30, then you need a retractable laundry line for your space. This is the easiest way to dry delicates that doesn’t get in the way once you’re done using it.


15. Electronic Cables

In this day and age, one of the most tedious parts of cleaning is trying to get around a mess of cords for your phone, TV, tablet – the list goes on and on. A quick fix is consolidating all your cables with an empty drawer (or storage bin!) and some toilet paper rolls.

16. Get Creative About the Space You Use

Drawers and cabinets don’t have to be the only place where we store things! Don’t be afraid to use every nook and cranny to keep your knickknacks organized but out of sight.

17. Parents, Give Your Kids “Toy Totes”

Rather than give your kids domain over dozens of toys (which will ultimately just be scattered all over your floors) give each kid a plastic bin filled with a few of their toys. You can switch out which toys are in the bins and then teach them how to pack the tote back up once their done playing!

18. Never Leave the Room Without Something

A good rule of thumb to live by for a tidy home is to never leave a room without something in your hand. For example, don’t leave the living room without grabbing those empty glasses off the table, or don’t leave the kitchen without taking your shoes into the bedroom where they belong.

Living like this is a fool-proof way to keep clutter at bay!

19. Consolidate Dirty Tissues

Keep germs AND clutter at a minimum with this quick, clever hack! Grab two boxes of tissues (maybe two that match if you shop at somewhere like BJ’s or Costco) and use a rubber band to tie the boxes together.

Next, remove the tissues from one box and store them in a Ziploc bag until you’re ready to use them. Now, this empty box can serve as a “trash” for the tissues from the full box!


If you have anymore easy, actually doable organizational tips that you swear by, make sure to share them with us!

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