If you’ve been bitten by the spring cleaning bug, we know you’ll do everything you can to relieve the itch. Decluttering, scrubbing, dusting, and organizing are foremost in your mind whether you’re motivated to jump on it or not.

While Pinterest may be feeding your home organization dreams, you’ve got to do something to make them come alive. To help inspire you to get into work mode, we’ve put together a list of organizing ideas for just about any space in your home.

Feel free to remix, adapt, or flip any of these tips to suit your space in any way you’d like!

  1. Create a Laundry Bar

    Use dollar store items to organize your laundry room like a decked out bar!

  2. Shelves from the Gutter

    For a clever shelving idea, attach rain gutters to the wall. See how well they work for kids’ books? Oh, and they come in different colors too!

  3. Candle Holders for Anything

    You can grab a bunch of cheap glass candle holders to use as elegant bathroom accessories. For that matter, use them in your bedroom or office to hold things as well.

  4. Got Receipts?

    We like to save receipts for big purchases or tax purposes like blogger Carissa Shaw. A tissue box makes the perfect one-stop drop for all of them.

  5. Linen Mess Tamer

    Click here to find out how to turn around your linen closet so it doesn’t look like this anymore.

  6. Coffee Station

    Everything you need to get your morning coffee fix can be found in a single drawer.

  7. Board Game Hangout

    What a cool idea! Stack your board games with a hanging closet organizer to keep things tidy.

  8. Transform with Pegboards

    So many things can be done with pegboards that your garage, kitchen, and bathroom will know nothing but order. Check out these dozen uses.

  9. Freezer Bins

    If you can barely see the light in your freezer, it may be time to call in some big bins. We dig it.

  10. Basement Shelves

    Whether your basement is finished or unfinished, you can still create storage space in it with wire shelving up above.

  11. Food Storage

    We know your food storage containers are a mess. Learn one of the secrets to getting them under control.

  12. Cutlery Baskets

    Pick up a few wire baskets from the dollar store to organize your cutlery or junk drawer. They’re usually sold in packs!

  13. Cookie Jar Catchalls

    What better place to stash your makeup goodies than a cookie jar on the sink? Nail polish, brushes, lip glosses and more can be stored in their own jar for safekeeping.

  14. Cord Life

    Cords and cables can easily get tangled or misidentified when they’re strewn all over the place. But toilet paper holders can change all that.

  15. Over-the-Door Organizer

    These aren’t just for shoes! Hang toys, cleaning supplies, pantry items, and more from one of these!

  16. Magnetism Reigns

    This blogger used a magnetic knife rack in the bathroom as a nifty to organize small tools. You can also buy magnetic tape from a craft store like Hobby Lobby.

  17. You Need Some Tension

    Tension rods hung under the sink are great space savers and organizers.

  18. Tiered Stands

    Buy a few of these tiered stands (cake or other) to place in the bathroom, kitchen, or living area to house your essentials. They look sophisticated but are functional too!

  19. Pantry Extras

    Pour food into handy plastic or glass storage containers but take it the extra mile by sticking an adhesive hook on them. Scoops can be conveniently attached to them.

Have you started spring cleaning yet? What organizing task will you jump on next? Which of these ideas are you loving?

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