19 Clever Uses for Fabric Softener Dryer Sheets

After you’ve run a dryer sheet in your dryer to soften your clothes, don’t throw it away. Here are 19 Alternative uses for Dryer Sheets:

If you’re constantly battling dust on your computer or TV screen, consider this tip:

Because television and PC screens are electrically charged, they actually attract dust, making dusting them a never-ending chore, but not if you dust them with used dryer softener sheets. These sheets are designed to reduce static cling, so they remove the dust, and keep it from resettling for several days or more.

We’ve also read that dabbing a little liquid fabric softener on to a rag and then wiping the screens can do the same thing. And speaking of dusting, you can also use sheets (or softener with a rag) to clean dust off of venetian blinds.

There are a couple of uses of fabric softener dryer sheets related to pet care:

Pet hair can get a pretty tenacious grip on furniture and clothing. But a used fabric softener sheet will suck that fur right off the fabric with a couple of swipes. Just toss the fuzzy wipe into the trash.

. . . and . . .

If your best friend comes in from the rain and smells like a …well …wet dog, wipe him down with a used dryer softener sheet, and he’ll smell as fresh as a daisy.

And here’s a way to buff chrome:

After chrome is cleaned, it can still look streaky and dull, but whether it’s your toaster or your hubcaps, you can easily buff up the shine with a used dryer softener sheet.

  1. Put on the back of a box fan to freshen up a smelly room
  2. Pick up pet hair
  3. End car odors
  4. Clean pots & pans by placing dryer sheet in with water
  5. Freshen drawers
  6. Wipe soap scum from shower door
  7. Repel dust from electrical appliances
  8. Do away with doggy odor
  9. Counteract laundry hamper or wastebasket odors
  10. Tame locker-room and sneaker smells
  11. No more musty luggage smaell
  12. Prevent musty odors in suitcases
  13. Buff chrome to a brilliant shine
  14. Use as a safe mosquito repellent
  15. Use an inconspicuous air freshener
  16. Do away with static cling
  17. Keep dust off blinds
  18. Renew grubby stuffed toys
  19. Remove Rings from Toilets
  20. Substitute a dryer sheet for a tack cloth
  21. Consolidate sheets and make them smell pretty
  22. Abolish tangled sewing thread

Know of any other clever uses for dryer sheets? Please share with the Tip Hero community by posting a comment below. And thanks for being a Tip Hero!



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