If having things out of place makes you fidgety, or the need for you to always have things in order, you’ve probably had people tell you that you’re OCD. OCD, or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

While OCD is technically a chronic disorder where you can’t control your reoccurring thoughts and behaviors (typically ones you need to repeat over and over), we’ve historically referred to people with OCD tendencies as those who need everything to be tidy and in order—anything out of place can cause a feeling of distressed or distraught. Basically, you’re a perfectionist who can’t stand to see anything out of place.

You know, one puzzle piece missing from the board, or a book out of place in its color-coordinated sequence on the shelf. These things can drive people with these tendencies crazy! Maybe it makes you have a strong desire to put whatever it is together, or you just can’t stop staring at it because it’s bothering you so much.

Not sure if you’re like this? Try scrolling through these photos and see if they make you cringe. To be honest, we can’t get through most of these ourselves, and can’t believe some of these photos even exist! If you got through this whole list, props to you. *Shudder.*

  1. This terribly made sidewalk

    Is this a joke? How did a construction worker even get away with this?

  2. When a coworker* asks for a Sudafed


  3. This fig newton travesty

    I’m going to have to eat this whole pack now to get rid of that one staring at me.

  4. When you ask for your sandwich to be cut into three pieces

    Um, we didn’t mean this kind of three pieces, what are you, a life ruiner?

  5. These insanely designed elevator buttons

    What engineer or builder did this? Certainly they’re trying to PRESS my buttons.

  6. This ridiculous outlet

    Please stop the madness!

  7. Is this piece of loose-leaf paper for real?

    But WHY?

  8. This new set of sketch pencils

    Is there a *point* to this mockery?

  9. This treat I don’t want at all

    How does this even happen?

  10. When little ones get involved with beads

    She’ll never be a real artist.

  11. These cabinet handles

    Literally flying off the handle about this one.

  12. Heinz, really?

    You had one job!

  13. The only way to ruin a cheesecake

    Now I can’t eat it!

  14. This poorly twisted pretzel

    The baker had one twisted mind if you know what we mean.

  15. This builder needs to be fired.

    This is wildly incorrect. And also terrible.

  16. Holy trays

    How hard is it to stack these neatly?!

  17. This wall art horror

    You’re doing it wrong.

Tell us: Were you able to get through this list without cringing? How badly do some of these photos bother you? Which one was the absolute worst for you? Share some of your worst OCD triggering photos with us!

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