Purchasing expensive beauty products can be a real gamble. Sure, some of them may reduce wrinkles and plump up lips, but more often than not, we feel that they are rarely worth our hard-earned cash. Because you likely share the same sentiment, we’ve searched far and wide for the best DIY beauty hacks around—and boy did we find some good ones!

Here are 17 of our all-time favorite at-home cosmetic tips that are so simple, the materials are already sitting in your cabinets! For full tutorials, be sure to follow the links below.

  1. Repair your broken nail with a tea bag

    That little bag acts as the perfect bandage for even the worst breaks. Talk about a manicure saver!

  2. Exfoliate with pantry staples

    Mix a bit of baking soda and coconut oil into some warm water for a truly gentle exfoliator that packs a punch!

  3. Use your straightener to curl

    You wouldn’t believe it but an ordinary flat iron can create some really chic beach waves. For voluminous curls, simply twist, press, and fluff!

  4. Speed up your hair’s growth

    Envious of Rapunzel’s length? If so, brush on some all-natural oils for longer, stronger locks. The concoction is so gentle, you can even use it on your lashes!

  5. Turn temporary tattoos into eye-popping nail art

    Just because you don’t have the steadiest of hands doesn’t mean you can’t rock some complex nail art. Just stick one onto a nail and set. Brilliant!

  6. Get firmer breasts with Vaseline

    For softer breasts and a firmer chest area, rub on a dollop of ordinary petroleum jelly before you hit the hay. You’ll see results in no time!

  7. Make your own soothing foot bath

    Believe it or not, soaking your heels in Listerine and vinegar is one of the best ways to soothe dry, cracked feet. We wonder who figured out that one!

  8. Remove dark nail polish the right way

    Don’t waste a bottle of nail polish remover on that stubborn black polish manicure! Instead, try this simple soaking technique for clean nails in a flash.

  9. Create no-heat curls using straws

    A must for the little Shirley Temple in your life, this curling hack requires no heat and is even comfortable enough to sleep in!

  10. Make your eyeliner smudge-proof with translucent powder

    Never fall victim to drippy, messy liner again! Instead, add an extra minute to your makeup routine for all-day coverage. You’ll soon see that translucent powder is the most versatile tool in your kit!

  11. Stop your polish from chipping

    While nail polish will inevitably wear, there’s one good way to slow down the process. Hint: it’s all in the application!

  12. Moisturize your skin with roses

    The secret to super smooth, touchable skin? A dozen roses, of course!

  13. Banish blackheads with eggs

    Black masks do a good job of pulling out those yucky blackheads, but this all-natural, egg-based one is even more effective!

  14. Shave your face

    Sure, the idea of shaving off that peach fuzz may give you the willies, but light, upward strokes with a brow tool yields some seriously smooth results. Worth a try!

  15. Stop sweat with hand sanitizer

    Although it’s not a replacement for good old deodorant, a couple pumps of hand sanitizer will block sweat if you’re in a pinch. Strange, but true!

  16. Get super long nails the natural way

    A garlic, orange juice, and olive oil mixture may not sound appetizing, but it sure will help your nails grow!

  17. Warm up your eyelash curler for the longest lashes

    Turn your lash curler into a super-powered tool with this hot hack. Just 15 seconds under the blow dryer will do!

Beautifying doesn’t get much more simple than that, folks! Have you tried any of these beauty hacks before? If so, which one works best? Do you have any of your own that you would like to share?

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