News flash: Plants are in right now in terms of home decor. It’s a weird thing to be “in,” we admit, but plants can really spruce up any kind of house and really give it that homey feel.

That’s not to say all plants are created equal—they’re not. Some plants are more home-friendly than others. In other words, there are some plants that can actually be pretty harmful to others, especially if you have babies or pets. That’s right—beautiful but dangerous.

To preface this, most of these plants have to be consumed in large quantities to be harmful, but you never know what your dog is doing while you’re away or your child when you take your eyes off of them for a second!

  1. Daffodils

    This springy number is a popular one to keep in the house since it’s so pretty, but be warned: Sometimes the bulbs are mistaken for shallots or onions, and if eaten, those can cause stomach pain, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and more.

  2. Hydrangeas

    The potentially deadly toxin in hydrangeas is called cyanide. The good news is, you’d have to ingest a ton of these flowers for the cyanide to take effect, but it’s still important to be wary.

  3. Wisteria

    We love how pretty this climbing vine can look in a vase, and this one is actually fine for humans to ingest. However, if your dog, cat, or horse have a mouthful, they could get pretty sick with vomiting and diarrhea.

  4. Rhubarb

    Yes, this garden veggie is edible—we love a good rhubarb pie. But did you know eating the rhubarb’s leaves can cause kidney failure?

  5. Rhododendron and Azalea

    For this one, all parts of this plant is toxic. The flower, stem, leaves—seriously, keep any part of these blooms away from a child or pet who might put it in their mouth. If not fatal, it could lead to stomach pain, difficulty breathing, and even paralysis or coma.

  6. English ivy

    Every part of this type of ivy can cause a slew of unfun things like skin irritation and a burning throat. If you eat the berries, you might end up with a fever and/or a rash.

  7. Oleander

    These popular indoor blooms are gorgeous, but can be fatal if eaten. Take extra care if you’re pruning or cutting them in your yard.

  8. Mistletoe

    It’s pretty odd we associate mistletoe with kissing, especially when it can be so poisonous (good thing we usually use fake mistletoe around the holidays). It’s especially harmful for pets, but can also cause digestive problems, slowed heartbeat and even hallucinating in humans.

  9. Philodendron

    You should especially pay attention to the sap in the case of the philodendron—when ingested, it can cause irritation to your skin, mouth, and throat, and also cause difficult breathing and upset stomach.

  10. Arrowhead plant

    Being such an easy plant to care for, it’s commonly found in homes. It can cause anything from irritated skin to upset stomach and vomiting.

  11. Dracaena Fragrans, or “Corn Plant”

    This is a pretty poisonous one, causing vomiting (something even vomiting up blood). Less severe side effects can cause loss of appetite and depression.

  12. Dieffenbachia

    You might’ve heard this plant be referred to as “dumb cane” or “elephant ear.” If eaten, you risk your airways swelling shut, which can cause death. Some report even just being in contact with it might cause your skin to itch or burn. We say just try to avoid this one at all costs.

  13. Pothos ivy

    Also called Devil’s ivy, and for good reason. In humans, Pothos ivy can cause burning of the mouth; skin irritation; swelling of lips, tongue, and throat; vomiting and diarrhea. In pets, they might suffer excessive drooling, choking, swelling of the mouth or tongue, difficulty breathing and upset stomach.

  14. Foxglove

    The berries in this plant actually contain a compound used for treating heart failure—but if your heart isn’t failing, we don’t suggest eating it.

  15. Aloe

    This one is only toxic to your pooch, so be extra careful if you have it in your home (which you should—it’s actually pretty beneficial for humans!).

If you think that someone you know has ingested any part of any of these plants, be sure to give your doctor or veterinarian a call. If they’re not around, it doesn’t hurt to go to an emergency room, or call the National Capital Poison Center at 800-222-1222, which is open 24 hours.

Did you know some of these plants were toxic? Have you ever witnessed someone ingesting a plant like this? Share your story.

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