St. Patrick’s Day is almost here. How do you plan on celebrating?

It seems that on St. Patrick’s Day (at least in the United States) everyones gets to be an honorary Irish person for a day. Though the holiday was originally created to commemorate Saint Patrick, the most commonly recognized of the patron saints of Ireland, it is now a holiday that is celebrated all over the world. And generally, it’s a holiday that is celebrated by wearing green attire, eating and, of course, drinking. With that in mind, I’ve compiled some recipes that can help you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in your own way. Enjoy!

Special Savory Ideas

St. Paddy’s Sweet Treats

“Big Kid” Treats

One of the most popular ways to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? Going out drinking, of course! Save yourself some money by creating some holiday-themed drinks of your own:

How do you plan on celebrating St. Patrick’s Day? Do you have any favorite Irish-inspired recipes that you like to cook up? We’d love to hear about them in the comments section below. Thanks for being a Tip Hero!

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