Here at Tip Hero, we love food. We love recipes. We love restaurants. We love eating. Food is definitely one of life’s greatest pleasures.

There are definitely some things that everyone can agree on when it comes to food, things that are funny because they’re true. Things that every home chef knows to be true. Things that every hungry person who has ever had to wait an extra minute for their meal knows to be true.

We’ve rounded up a list of our favorite food memes that perfectly capture the experience of cooking, waiting for food, eating and more. Laugh along with us, won’t you?

  1. When you wait to wash a knife

    Why wash more dishes that you have to? That knife might be good for one more use.

  2. The truth about kale

    Seriously though, it works!

  3. The truth about spinach

    So true! We’re often underestimating how much spinach we need for recipes. Where does it all go?

  4. How to eat on your car

    Tears. We actually kind of want to try this though.

  5. Stress eating

    That’s definitely one way to deal with stress. Here are some stress relief techniques that aren’t so caloric.

  6. Dieting math

    That’s our kind of diet, but somehow I don’t think we’ll lose much weight. Hmmm.

  7. Why does candy have to be so addictive?

    It really is hard to stop with just one piece.

  8. Oh, the Holidays

    We would argue that you could insert any holiday in this meme, and it would be just as funny.

  9. Waiting to eat

    Yes! The food should already be on the table!

  10. More cheese please

    If you love cheese as much as we do, this recipe is for you.

  11. Good intentions

    Sometimes you just have to give in to your cravings.

  12. Meal prep

    Now, that’s an easy meal prep idea!

  13. The effects of food

    Have you ever been hangry? It’s no joke.

Which one of these did you relate to the most? What are your favorite food memes?

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