Black Friday will always be a frenzy of bargains, but with each passing year there are some elements that change. The best way to make the most of this epic shopping event is to be prepared, so we’ve compiled a list of ways that Black Friday 2013 will be different from previous years. [Editor’s note: here are a few items from their list]

Doorbuster Deals Will Trick You into Remaining In-Store All Day

Though a lot of doorbusters can be online (and sometimes at cheaper prices, they’re still a good way to get shoppers in stores. And since retailers want to capitalize on in-store traffic, you’ll see doorbuster deals debut at all hours of the day rather than just at 7am.

Competing Devices Will Force Roku to Finally Offer Good Deals

Don’t get us wrong. We’re big fans of the Roku box, but year after year we’ve been disappointed with the company’s modest Black Friday discount, which traditionally hasn’t been the lowest price of the year. However, this year Roku is faced with an uphill battle as there are some major new players in the media-streaming industry, one of which is Google’s $35 Chromecast. As a result, we expect Roku to offer better deals than its usual Black Friday discount. Roku also now has an extensive line of products ranging from the original Roku to the current Roku 3, which means retailers have stock of previous-gen models ready for discounts, likely making this year the first stellar year for Roku deals.

There’s One Less Week Between Thanksgiving and Christmas

Since there’s less time than there traditionally is between Thanksgiving and Christmas, sales and promotions are likely to begin before Thanksgiving. Retailers will have to work really hard to be able to make up for that lost week, which means heavy advertising, and likely, some great sales.

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