While we’d all love to live in homes large enough to have dedicated spaces – or even rooms! – for every task and use, most of us live just a little more down to Earth. That means more people cozying up in smaller spaces, and that means more stuff in those spaces. How can you get organized, get space and still have everything you need and even want? Multipurpose décor— and you don’t have to spend a lot of money to do it! You just need a little DIY inspiration. Buzzfeed recently put together a list of their favorite projects, and it inspired us to search and see what we could find. Check out the projects we found!

  1. End Table Dog Bed

    Give Fluffy and Fido an out-of-the-way nook to curl up in the living room without losing precious floor or table space.

  2. Convertible Coffee Table Folding Bed

    Not everybody has enough room for a guest room or extra bed, but that doesn’t mean they have to miss out on guests! This convertible coffee table bed is perfect for single guests or children’s sleepovers.

  3. Chalkboard Game Table

    Just a little chalkboard paint turns a regular coffee table into a place to leave messages or a dedicated gaming space.

  4. Picture Frame With Storage

    Not only do these clever frames give you hidden storage, they make use of a forgotten, formerly-common household item: VHS cases! How cool is that?!

  5. Planter Table and Storage

    Ever notice how the ceramic dish for a planter fits perfectly on the top? Put it to good use by turning the planter into a table with some hidden storage. Perfect outdoor décor!

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  7. Router Cover

    Love decorating with old books? If you have one you’ve already read, turn it to another use by using it to hide an unsightly router.

  8. Folding Chair Storage Rack

    You always need storage. You occasionally need extra chairs. Solve both problems and make better use of space with this smart solution.

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  10. Murphy Craft Table

    Always dreamed of having a table just for crafting, but couldn’t justify the room it takes up? Get a fold-up one like this one that’s also a work of art. You can also make it a chalkboard or mirror.

  11. Ottoman Filing Cabinet

    Filing cabinets don’t have to be big, ugly hulking things! Use the inside of an ottoman for your files, and tuck some pictures into the lid. It’s perfect for anybody who need file storage but doesn’t have a home office.

  12. Chalkboard Filing Cabinet

    If you do have a filing cabinet? Make it multipurpose with some chalkboard paint!

  13. Wardrobe Headboard

    If you’re living in a studio or small apartment lacking in closet space, use the back of your headboard as a stylish wardrobe. It also acts as a room divider, too!

  14. Window Chalkboard Picture Frame Shelf

    Just like all multitasking moms, the family hub station needs to be so many things. This one adds extra decorative flair by being made from an old window pane AND by featuring a shelf for your organizational needs.

Want even more ideas? Check out Buzzfeed’s list for more multipurpose DIY décor! How do you get the most bang-for-your-buck from your possessions?

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