If you’ve recently moved (or even just unpacked items like Christmas decorations), you may find yourself with more packing peanuts than you know what to do with. A while back, you Tip Heroes gave us your best ideas for using these up. Here are some more from Apartment Therapy:

  1. Use them to hold nails in place so you don’t hit your fingers while hammering. After you tap a few times, you can simply pull the peanut away.
  2. Use a peanut as a foam brush for applying glue and other adhesives.
  3. Place them on top of sharp tools in your toolbox so that you prevent injuries when you dig through the toolbox.
  4. Use them in the bottom of a too-tall vase when showcasing a silk/fake flower arrangement.
  5. Refill deflated bean bag chairs with extra packing peanuts.
  6. Call stores like Mail Boxes, Etc. To see if they’ll accept extra peanuts if you drop tham off. You could also help someone out by donating them for free on Craigslist of Freecycle.

Find more ideas over at Apartment Therapy’s What to Do with All Those Packing Peanuts.

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