If you love fried eggs, do you know what the best food to make them with is? The answer is (pretty much) everything. With it’s runny yolk, fried eggs add a gourmet touch to even the most boring of meals and dishes. Take a look some inspiration for your own fried egg experiments.

  1. On a Sandwich:
  2. In an Avocado Hole:
  3. On Potato and Herb Hash:
  4. On a Roasted Red Pepper Crostini:
  5. On a Baked Potato:
  6. On a Juicy Burger:
  7. On Top of a Salad:
  8. On Top of Risotto:
  9. In a Bowl of Fried Rice:
  10. On a Cheddar BLT Waffle:
  11. On Top of Asparagus with Shaved Parmesan:
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