Does the idea of applying stubborn, ooey-gooey makeup cause you to shy away from it entirely? If so, then know that you are not alone. In fact, it took us years to finally gain control over those cumbersome mascara wands and eyeliner brushes!

So, if you are ready to change up your look, but aren’t too confident when it comes to your skills, we have some valuable ideas for you today. Here are 11 tips to help you achieve the most effortless, natural-looking face yet. For full tutorials, be sure to click on the links below!

  1. Learn how to contour

    This recent trend, popularized by the ever-glamorous Kardashian clan, has makeup users accentuating (or even faking, in some cases) sculpted cheek bones, jawlines, and foreheads. The dark and light contrast may look a little silly when first applied, but once blended, the look packs quite the punch. A must for any glitzy night out on the town!

  2. Keep those brushes clean

    Let’s be honest—most of us don’t clean our makeup brushes as often as we probably should. Though the process can be a bit of pain, it’s a vital step in creating a flawless face. Not only will working with clean brushes ensure less color build-up, it also helps stave off bacteria that could cause you to break out.

  3. Plump those lips

    No, we’re not talking about Botox here. Believe it or not, you can actually achieve an enviable pout without painful injections. Just a bit of brown shadow or contouring cream does wonders!

  4. Get to know your eye shape

    If you are never quite satisfied with the results following your eye makeup application, then you may not be considering an important feature—your eye shape! Once you identify your unique shape, you will be able to shave minutes off of your morning routine.

  5. Get to know your eye color

    Similar to the shape, your eye color should dictate the shadow, liner, and mascara colors that you choose to sport. Get ready for those eyes to pop!

  6. Re-think your mascara application

    Applying mascara can be tricky business, especially if you are someone who was blessed with ultra-long lashes. Learning the correct application technique won’t just make your lashes appear sky high, it will also help to ensure that none of the stuff flakes off mid-day.

  7. Bake it

    Expert makeup artist Wayne Goss can’t say enough about the “baking” technique. Simply puffing on a liberal amount of translucent powder while making up your lids and lashes can help you create immaculate eyes and cheekbones.

  8. Go for the wing

    Winged eyeliner is most certainly one makeup trend that will never go out of style. Although the look is quite popular these days, many women get nervous because it’s not the easiest application to pull off. Luckily, a little bit of clear tape does wonders!

  9. Smooth out your foundation

    Whether humid heat or dry, cold weather is to blame, getting foundation to look fresh throughout the day can be trying. Fortunately, just adding a few simple steps to your morning makeup routine can give you a fighting chance against the “cake”.

  10. Conceal those bags

    Because there’s no point in slapping on a face full of makeup if you neglect that under eye area. All you’ll need to complete this makeup trick is light concealer, a delicate brush, and about 30 seconds!

  11. Check the expiration dates

    If you haven’t been makeup shopping in a while, then it’s quite possible that you are using products that have already passed their expiration dates. Old products are known to cake up on the skin and lashes more quickly than ones that have been recently purchased or opened. Learn how to check those dates, and always replace opened products that have been unused for quite some time.

See, we told you the makeup didn’t have to be so tricky! We hope these simple tips will give you the tools you need to create your dream look.

What do you think of think of the makeup tricks on this list? Have you ever tried any of these before? Are there any tips that you would like to add?

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