There are a lot of things you probably haven’t done recently because of the coronavirus pandemic. For example, you probably haven’t been to any parties. You probably haven’t gone shopping without wearing a face mask. You probably haven’t done nearly as much traveling as usual if at all.

While there are many things we can avoid doing in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, there are some things that we simply can’t avoid, yet we can do them safely. For example, getting groceries is essential. Whether you mask up and head to the store or get your groceries delivered, we’re sure you’ve found a way to safely get the food you need. Another example is voting.

If you’re considering not voting in this year’s election because you think that voting isn’t safe and you might be exposed to COVID-19, think again. A recent Twitter post by the Chicago Teacher’s Union proves that we have no excuse not to vote.

The tweet, which quickly went viral, shows a 102-year-old woman named Bea Lumpkin holding a vote-by-mail ballot in her hand. She is standing next to a mail box ready to drop in her ballot and cast her vote.

At 102-years-old, Bea would be considered high-risk for COVID-19, so she took every precaution possible. Her head is completely covered in protective gear. It looks like she is wearing a protective suit over her clothes as well. She is holding her ballot with gloved hands. There is no way Bea is getting sick. There is also no way she is going to make an excuse not to vote.

As the caption says on the tweet, “If Bea can do it, anyone can do it. Vote!”

For more about this recent tweet, watch the video below.

If you are registered to vote by mail, most likely, you have already received your mail-in ballot. You can be like Bea and cast your ballot today. Perhaps you’ll opt not to wear quite as much protective gear as she’s wearing, but we highly suggest that you at least wear a face mask while out in public.


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