When it comes to reviewing helpful kitchen hacks, we know better than to be ageist. Sure, there are plenty of modern culinary gadgets out there today that were designed to make our lives “easier,” but we find that the best homemaking techniques are the ones that don’t require a ton of extra technology.

Recently, the resourceful guys over at Household Hacker took on the worthy crusade of proving this exact sentiment true.

They happened upon printed inserts from a 1916 magazine of kitchen tricks – guess folks weren’t using the term “hacks” in the early part of the 21st century – and put each and every one to the test. As it turns out, many of them still hold up to this very day!

Here’s what we learned from these century-old kitchen hacks.

Vinegar fixes everything

OK, we definitely didn’t need convincing on this one, considering we already use vinegar for our laundry, to spruce up our garden, and as an all-around household cleaning agent, but what we didn’t know until we watched the video is that it can literally prevent a hard-boiled egg disaster from ensuing.

According to the vintage publication, adding a splash of white vinegar to a pot of cracked boiled eggs will mend the fractures so that none of the whites spill out in the boiling process. A must-try for all of you egg salad lovers!

A broken glass doesn’t have to mean an injured toe

Maybe it’s just us, but it seems like glass or other breakable items tend to shatter at the most inopportune moments—when you’re rushing out of the house to bring the kids to school, when you’re just about to serve dinner, when company is ringing your doorbell!

Because of this, we don’t always have the time to pick up every glass fragment, a problem that has resulted in a bloody toe or two. Those microscopic splinters sure do make a habit of hanging around.

Fortunately, the publication states that there is a very simple way to clean up a shattered glass, and luckily, Household Hacker put it to the test so we didn’t have to!

All you have to do is pick up and dispose of the large broken pieces first, then wipe up the remaining glass splinters with a sturdy, moistened cotton rag. If the rag has been saturated with water, then you should be able to easily scoop up the tiny shards.

Pro tip: unless you want a kamikaze rag lying around your kitchen, we recommend tossing it after you are finished scooping up the glass. The teeny shards are pretty much impossible to remove once they’ve made contact with the fabric!

Just a couple of examples that illustrate how the spirit of good homemaking hasn’t changed all that much over the years. To get full tutorials on each and every one of these super handy vintage tricks—including a couple that didn’t work out too well—be sure to watch Household Hacker’s video below. Your grandmother would be proud!

We’d love to hear your thoughts on these 100-year-old hacks. Have you tried any of these before? If so, were you happy with the results? Do you have any old family kitchen hacks that you would like to share?

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