Lemons are great to have around when it’s time to clean the house. Here are just some ways that you can use this acidic fruit to combat household bacteria – and leave a fresh scent in the air:

  1. Make Metal Shine: since lemons are highly acidic, they can cut through a lot of the mineral deposits. Use lemon or lemon rind and a little elbow grease to scrub copper, brass and chrome clean; then wipe with a cloth.
  2. Sanitize the Microwave: we’ve featured this tip before, but it’s definitely worth a reminder. Put lemon slices in a microwaveable bowl full of water. Cook for a minute or so, then remove the bowl and wipe down the microwave with a damp cloth.
  3. Remove Soap Scum in the Shower: try this natural idea:

    Juice six lemons and pour the contents into a spray bottle. “The citric acid will break down hard water deposits and dissolve filmy soap scum,” says [Julie] Edelman, [author of “The Accidental Housewife.”

  4. Deodorize the Laundry: to get rid of unpleasant odors from socks, undergarments and other clothing, just put a teaspoon of lemon juice into laundry loads.

Find 6 more ideas over at Homesessive’s 10 Ways to Clean with Lemon.

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