When trying to save as much money as you can, it’s important to make sure that the things you have last as long as possible (thereby prevent you having to shell out money more frequently). Here are some excellent tips for making your stuff last as long as it possibly can:
1. Store candles in the freezer to make them last longer. Freezer hardens the wax and slows the burning process.last
2. Cut sponges in half to make them last longer. Also, spray them with vinegar to keep them fresh.
3. Use a piece of paper to prop up a nub of an eraser in a mechanical pencil.
4. Store salsa and marinara sauce jars upside down to keep mold from sprouting up.
5. Store a paper towel in your salad lettuce to keep it fresh all week.
6. Store onions and garlic in a paper bag with punched holes.
7. Don’t touch your cheese when cutting it. Keep your hands over the plastic.
8. Add a couple of drops of saline solution to mascara when it starts to dry out.
9. Swipe nails with vinegar before applying nail polish and your manicure will last longer.
10. Keep clothes brighter by adding a pinch of salt to laundry loads.
Find more ideas over at BuzzFeed.