For penny pinchers, no store is more essential than the Dollar Store. But while these value stores might be a go-to for saving a few bucks, you have to wonder: what products are actually a quality investment to buy from the Dollar Store?

There are certainly some things you want to avoid at all costs  kitchen utensils and personal care products, for instance. Luckily, there are also plenty of items that you can definitely get away with buying for a buck!

Household Hacker is breaking down the top 10 things you should definitely start buying from the Dollar Store. Here’s your new shopping list for the next time you stop by your local value store:

1. Greeting Cards

We can’t be the only ones who think greeting cards are WAY too expensive, right? Stop spending $4 or more for a birthday card that someone’s just going to recycle in a few days!

At the Dollar Store, you can find a variety of cards for a $1  sometimes, you can even get two for $1, which is basically unheard of.

2. Chapsticks

When it comes to name-brand products, you can actually find legitimate ones at the Dollar Store. As a rule of thumb, keep to the brands you recognize, like these popular chapsticks.

3. Bleach

If you’re looking for cleaning products at the Dollar Store, you can trust their products  but maybe consider going to the name-brand products, rather than the generic brands.

Bleach is a perfect example: although you can get a gallon of Dollar Store bleach for cheap, you can also get a smaller container of Clorox for far less than other retailers. Clorox has a concentrated formula that will get you more bang for your buck than the cheap stuff, so it’s actually worth the investment.

4. Party Supplies

Need paper plates, plastic utensils, and themed napkins in a snap? Rather than cough up extra money at a party store, you can trust the Dollar Store to get your disposable paper needs for any occasion!


For the other six items you can trust buying from the Dollar Store, make sure to watch the Household Hacker video below.

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