In this day in age, you don’t even have to leave your house to purchase just about anything. Over at Sweating the Big Stuff, they are of the belief that shopping from home will actually save you a great deal of money (not to mention time). Here are just a few of the reasons they give:

  1. Organizing Finances is Easy: there’s no chance of misplacing receipts when they are done electronically. Receipts are emailed directly to your inbox for easy storage and handling. Also, you’re helping the environment by going paperless. Not a bad bonus benefit!
  2. Save on Pricey Gas and Valuable Time: with gas prices teetering on $4 a gallon, even a 15 minute trip to the mall needs to be seriously thought about. Then you need to worry about maneuvering around the crowded parking lot in a lot of cases. You can save that gas, and your valuable time, by browsing the stores from your own home.
  3. Don’t Waste Time Clipping Coupons: to find coupons for online use, just head to your favorite coupon aggregator and search for your favorite merchant. Then all you need is a code to get discounts on your purchases.
  4. Ship Your Gifts Directly: when you order a gift online, you can have it shipped directly to the recipient, sometimes for free. That can save you some money on shipping costs and some time waiting in long post office lines.

What’s your opinion on the subject? How much online shopping do you do compared to the amount of time you spend in-store?

Take a look at more of Sweating the Big Stuff’s reasoning over at Top 10 Reasons to Shop Online vs. Shopping In-Store.

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