It’s the hairy little secret everybody knows: we ALL – including women – have hair on our faces, and the older we get and the more our body chemistry fluctuates and changes, the darker, thicker, and more populous that hair gets. So why is figuring out a way to get rid of that hair so difficult and often so painful? Rather than pretend we don’t have to deal with it while secretly suffering through painful plucking, waxing and shaving, we should be sharing our tried-and-true techniques! After all, we humans have been searching for ways to get smooth skin far longer than razor blades have been around to help us. We went searching for some older, gentler, and more natural alternatives, and we found ten we just have to share with you. Whether you’re looking to simply lighten it or want it all gone permanently, there’s a remedy here that will work for you.

  1. Oatmeal Paste + Honey + Lemon Juice

    Two to three times a week, mix everything together into a paste, rub into the hairy spot, and let it sit for 15 minutes. After a month, the hair should be gone for good.

  2. Green Gram Flour + Rose Water

    If you have sensitive or acne-prone skin, it can be tricky to find hair-removers that won’t irritate it. A paste of green gram flour and rose water exfoliates your skin and removes hair while also cleansing and soothing your face.

  3. Sugar + Water + Lemon Juice

    puhhha via Dollar Photo Club

    This combination is for a hair-removal process called “sugaring,” which is similar to waxing but far less painful. Plus, over time, some hair follicles can fall dormant, making it more effective, too!
  4. Papaya + Milk
    If you’d prefer to simply lighten the hair rather than worry about removing it – and then have to worry about regrowth! – papaya can help! Papaya’s pulp acts as a natural bleach when you mix it with milk or, if you prefer, turmeric. Once a week, mix ½ cup papaya pulp with either 1 tablespoon milk or ½ teaspoon turmeric, massage into your face, let sit for 10 to 20 minutes, and rinse off.
  5. Egg + Sugar + Corn Flour

    We already knew that egg whites were good for our skin and for removing blackheads, but we didn’t know that, when combined with sugar and corn flour, eggs form a peel-off mask that’ll take hair right along with it!

  6. Spearmint Tea

    Sometimes stray, annoying hairs can blossom into full-blown hirsutism, often caused by hormonal changes and/or excess amounts of androgen. A natural remedy for that issue with no scary side effects? Twice-daily spearmint tea, shown to help balance hormones and decrease hair growth!

  7. Lavender + Tea Tree Oil

    Another way to help naturally fight excess androgen and hirsutism? Essential oils high in anti-androgenic activities, like lavender oil and tea tree oil. Once to twice a day, just mix 1 teaspoon of the lavender with 4 to 6 drops of the tea tree, dip a cotton ball in the mixture, and dab onto the hairy areas, leaving it there for a few hours.

  8. Barley Scrub

    hammett79 via Deposit Photos

    One of the problems with shaving and waxing is what it does to our skin in the process. A barley scrub, on the other hand – made by mixing a tablespoon each of milk, lime juice and barley powder – will leave your skin soft and glowing.
  9. Orange and Lemon Peel Mask

    Orange peels and lemon peels are popular in beauty products for a reason— they help clean our skin, and they smell great! A mask made from a teaspoon each of orange peel, lemon peel, oatmeal, almond meal, olive oil and rose water will bleach you hair as well as remove it, and leave you feel citrusy-fresh.

  10. Remove Facial Hair At Home in 10 Minute

    Want even more options for facial hair removal or more information on these remedies? Check out these ideas from Top 10 Home Remedies and Home Remedies For Life. Do you have any secrets of your own to share?

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