Julia Child is an inspiration to many, not just those who dream of becoming famous chefs. Her career savvy, which brought her from culinary disaster to American icon, can be admired by anyone interested in personal finance. Let’s take a look at some career lessons we can learn from Julia Child:

  1. You’re Never Too Old to Learn Something New: Julia didn’t start learning a new language (French) until she was 36 and didn’t enroll in culinary school until she was 37. Age doesn’t matter when endeavoring to learn a new skill. Your thirst for knowledge will help you along at any age.
  2. Expand Your Skill Set:

    Julia was passionate about teaching others to cook. But to do it well, she couldn’t just be a good cook – she had to learn how to be a good teacher. “I decided that, though the cooking we’d done was fine, my presentation had not been very clear – I felt I’d have to teach at least a hundred classes before I really knew what I was doing,” she wrote. Learning how to teach was helpful throughout her career, both for writing recipes and as the host of her own cooking show.

  3. Invest in Yourself: Julia believed in the same thing that Warren Buffett does. The most important investment you can make is in yourself. Julia invested time and money into perfecting her French so that she could actually communicate and learn through the language.

To read about more advice gleaned from one of the most beloved cooks of all time, head over to Get Rich Slowly’s 10 Career Lessons from Julia Child.

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