Saving Water During the Summer

The following suggestions are from Tip Hero David Glenn









The summer can be one of the hardest times to make the most out of the water you have and the water that you are able to use.   The summer is the single most important time that you should be saving water and you should to this especially if there is a drought.   There are a few simple things that you can do to save water during the summer if you are having trouble doing it and keeping yourself comfortable at the same time.

Don’t Wash Your Car

Even though summer can be very hot and dry, it can also be a great time to take advantage of the rain storms.   These storms act as a way to rinse your car off without having to use any of your water.   If your car absolutely needs washed, consider using the smallest amount of water possible to ensure that it will not waste too much of the water you may need.

Don’t Smoke Traditional Cigarettes

Summer can be very hot and very dry.   When you smoke cigarettes there is a greater chance to cause a fire.   Not only can a fire be extremely dangerous and harmful to you and the environment, it can also waste a lot of water.   If you must smoke, consider getting an e cigarette and e cig refills.   They do not require any fire to be used and they probably will not start any fires during the summer.

Fill the Pool

It may seem counterproductive, but make sure you fill your pool at the beginning of the summer.   By doing this, you will have your pool filled all summer long and not have to refill it.   Make sure you, your children and your family do not splash too much and do not waster the water once it is in there.   You should not have to refill your pool throughout summer if you pay extra care to what you do in it.

Shorter Showers

While it may feel great to come in from a hot, sweaty, sunny, summer day and take an hour long ice cold shower, try to limit your shower time in the summer.   It is the best, quickest and easiest way to save water and you will not notice much of a difference between a 45 minute shower and a 60 minute shower, but you will lose about 25% less of the water you used in a longer shower.

Collect Water

As long as it is legal in your particular area and your state, you can set up barrels to collect water that comes from the rain.   Consider putting an old screen on top of them to provide somewhat of a filter from big debris.   While this water is not ideal for drinking or bathing, you can use it to water your plants when there is a lack of rain during the summer.

Don’t Water Your Lawn

No matter how dry and brown your lawn gets, try to avoid watering it during the summer.   Your lawn might look worse than all of your neighbor’s lawns, but you will know that you are doing the right thing by not wasting water on something so trivial as grass.   If you feel that your grass absolutely must be watered, make sure that you learn how to save rain water and you use that to water the grass instead of using the water that you may need later on.

If you are having trouble saving water during the summer, consider a few of these tips that will help you do a better job at saving water.   They will allow you to do better for the environment, will help you have more water and can be beneficial if you are in a drought situation.   These tips are great for any person in any area that is wanting to save water.