The Best Part About this Grilled Cheese Sandwich? It’s Actually a Bowl!

When it comes to classic cold-weather food, nothing hits us right in the nostalgia better than a grilled cheese sandwich and a cup of tomato soup. The two go together like peanut butter and jelly, so it was only a matter of time before somebody figured out to bring them even closer together. Still, we can’t believe we never thought of this delicious and genius idea before: grilled cheese bowls! It’s the tastiest way to serve tomato soup yet. Tastemade shows us the brilliant idea in action.

You’ll Need

– 8 pieces white bread
– 1 egg
– Butter
– 4 slices cheddar cheese
– 1 can tomato soup

So smart and tasty! Get the full written recipe over on the Tastemade site and give it a try! Have you ever seen something like this dish before? What other cold weather food pairs do you think would be great combined into one?