Frugal Artwork

You don’t have to break the bank to get great, personalized artwork on your walls. You just need to utilize some creativity. Check out some of the ideas that Simple Mom came up with for frugal, non-cookie-cutter artwork:

  • Fabric on Canvas: stretch a piece of interesting fabric onto a canvas or a simple wooden frame. You’ll get instant, visually appealing art!
  • Children’s Book Prints: scan your favorite children’s book artwork and print out onto high quality photo paper. Simple Mom spray painted some thrift store frames blue, yellow and red for the artwork for her kids’ bedrooms.
  • Blankets and Quilts: sew some quick ribbon loops on the top of the blanket and simply hang on the wall.
  • Travel and Concert Souvenirs: check flea markets, thrift stores and online for promotional materials from your favorite musician. Frame things like concert posters, maps, travel advertising, etc.

For more frugal ways to spice up the walls in your home, check out 12 Ideas for Frugal Artwork.