Do a Complete Background Check On Yourself for Free

The Consumerist is out with a full list of sources of background information on you that bosses, landlords, and creditors frequently check to help them make important decisions about you. It’s not a bad idea to check what each of these sources is reporting about you to make sure there are no errors and inaccuracies.

These background sources include: employment history reports, tenant history reports, auto & home insurance claim reports, credit bureau reports, personal information reports, check writing history reports, health history reports, Prescription Drug Purchase History Reports, social security statement, Purchase Returns History Reports, Utilities & Telecommunications Reports, and other reports. After reading the list of data sources I was surprised at how much data about me is collected and reported.

Best of all it’s free. The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act enacted in 2003 gives consumers the right to a free copy of their consumer files from certain consumer reporting agencies during each 12 month period. Consumerist has made it real easy by linking to the page where you can request your personal data from each reporting bureau.

It’s always a good idea to know what they know about you and to make sure it’s accurate. Here’s the link:

Do A Total Background Check On Yourself